Work Smarter, Not Harder

Though many people’s initial solution to getting ahead in their career is to work longer, harder hours, advancing you career does not necessarily mean having to suck up to your boss or putting in over 60 hours of work a week. Instead of working longer and harder, you can work smarter to maximize the efficiency and quality of your work without having to spend any extra time doing so. A few simple mental tricks can help you manage your time more efficiently and get a higher quality of work done in a shorter amount of time. Keeping a progress bar for your key projects will help you recognize the progress being made in your work and break a seemingly arduous task into more feasible, smaller steps. Similarly, a job that is comprised of thousands of small tasks you can chunk together and try to accomplish these groups of tasks in intervals. If you come across a roadblock, don’t dwell on it and let it affect your productivity. Keeping a positive and ambitious attitude is vital to maximizing the efficiency of your work.

From: Best Masters Degrees

Work Smarter Not Harder

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