If you have or found a great product to sell and are really hoping to make lots of money online with the least effort, then consider using the number one sellers’ platform on the internet – eBay auctions.
eBay is a great way to earn some serious cash online because number one: there are a lot more sellers than there are buyers on eBay.
There are NOT a lot of people who use eBay as sellers; but at the same time there are lots of buyers searching for products on eBay.
You might want to get most of these buyers to view your product and buy from you, but how do you accomplish this?
This brings you to the second reason why selling on eBay could be very profitable for you: using a technique that not a lot of sellers on eBay really know about.
EBay Product Listing Tricks:
You number one goal in selling online is to drive the most traffic to your product listing. You can do this by following this “eBay Product Listing Trick”. Here are the steps:
- Select your product – Choose a product that you wish to promote or sell on eBay. It’s important to choose a product that is NOT too user specific (for instance products for women or men only) since you want to attract a wider audience. Also choose a product that is unique yet popular enough in order to minimize and beat the small competition. The key here is to find your niche and to pick a product that is hot on that niche.
- Target your buyers – You can target your buyers through the price of your item. Sell a product that is not so expensive yet not too cheap. The best products to sell are those that are in the price range of $20-60. The best price to sell is at the $30 mark which will make you earn as much money as possible in an easier way. The rationale here is that it is much better and easier to sell two 30-dollar products than sell five products at $10 each.
- Write a short yet effective review or article about the product you are selling – Before finally submitting your product listing on eBay, try to come up first with an effective description of your product. People do read product information before buying.
- Feature your listing – Probably the only sellers’ feature that you would really want to pay for, and get the most out of, is the Home Page Featured option. Since everyone is viewing the eBay homepage, you want to take advantage of that. After clicking Home Page Featured, your product is finally listed and congratulations! You’re on your way to succeeding in eBay auctions.
The author is a freelance writer. He writes about online fax and email fax services.
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