Money For Nothing? Classic Rock Posters Are The New Source of Memorabilia Millions!

David Bowie's star at Holywood.
Image via Wikipedia

A 1978 Clash poster or a pin up of David Bowie, rock posters collected over the years have previously only had sentimental value to their owners. Now with a generation of music lovers reaching retirement and with serious money to spend, all of a sudden, vintage rock posters are a valuable commodity.

Record memorabilia guru Jeff  Gold, a former Warner Brothers executive, recently revealed in an interview, precisely why rock memorabilia was a sound investment. He said: “If you buy a £10,000 poster, it’s a £10,000 poster. And, if you have good taste and choose wisely, it will gain in value.”

The trick with any investment is knowing how well it will perform in the future compared with the nearest alternatives. Even with the rise in the base rate of interest predicted for August, the chances of earning a reasonable return from regular savings or ISAs is profoundly slim, and will stay that way for years to come.

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The days where TV shows like Property Ladder were all the rage and the country kidded itself that a property boom would last indefinitely are also at an end. You might pick the right property that appreciates in value over the coming few years, but in general, the boom conditions that saw almost any property increase in value are gone, investing in property is no longer a ‘get rich quick’ method, if it ever was.

With a banking system that has yet to face any serious reform, there is no reason, in theory, why the catastrophic events of 2008 cannot happen all over again, so it is probably wise to steer clear of financial investment wheezes for a while until the is more stability in the market.

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It is time to become adaptable and ingenious in order to invest for the future, and new markets in memorabilia and collectables are constantly being explored. Wine, cars, god and watches, all these markets are heavily saturated and the starting prices for commodities are high.

By contrast, the rock memorabilia market is growing, and it is precisely at this moment that some of the best investments can be made. One example of the kinds of figures involved is the $69,000 price tag attached to a Beatles poster of their classic New York Shea Stadium gig in 1965.

Even a 2003 White Stripes Poster collected $1,600 after initially being bought for $15. A 10,000 per cent profit on an original investment should be the kind of sums that make even skeptical investors sit up and take notice. A poster that captures a moment in music history is likely to command a higher price than one that doesn’t.

There has always been a market for music memorabilia, you need only step into a Hard Rock Cafe and see poster for the Who and Kiss that probably cost the chain thousands. What makes the current market different, and what makes it a far more interesting prospect for investor and speculators is the internet. Sites like EBay are magnets for poster hunters, and their active search for pieces of rock history are fuelling price rises.

As with all markets the are periods of expansion and contraction, and currently investment money seems to favour market growth in the music memorabilia field. It might be time to explore the market, snap up some great investments and help preserve some great moments in rock history.

James McHeggins mainly writes for a UK company which constantly searches for the latest remortgage rates and remortgage deals.

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