Making Affiliate Sales with eBay

You’ve heard of eBay, right? Of course you have. You’ve probably even bought or sold a few things there, or maybe quite a lot of things. But did you know eBay is also a great opportunity to make affiliate sales?

Here’s how it works. Say you’ve got a little eBay store set up and you sell used books. You make a decent side income turning merchandise you find at the local garage sales and flea markets, along with your own old books, but you’re limited to the number of items you can physically pack up and ship. After all, there are only so many hours in a day.

This is where affiliate commissions come in. A word of caution: Don’t include affiliate links in your eBay listings, because it is a violation of eBay’s terms of service. Instead, make your affiliate offers on the backend.

Whole Sale Designer Handbags

With every order you ship, include a printed flyer containing useful information for the buyer, along with a link to an affiliate offer. For example, if you’ve just sold a book on household budgeting, you might include a short list of helpful websites, along with a link to a credit card affiliate program or personal budgeting software.

Make it easy for the purchaser to use the link, however. We all know how long affiliate links can be, and putting a long, ugly link on your flyer isn’t going to earn you any sales. First because it’s confusing and quite often doesn’t even look like a web address, and second because no one will type that monstrosity into their web browser.

Wholesale Directory

To make it easier for your customer to go to your affiliate offer, you should have your own domain that you can use to redirect ugly links to pretty, easily-typed links, like . You can also use a URL shortening service, which offers the added benefit of tracking your click-through rate, but you might find that even those links are too ugly for the average reader to type, though. Having your own domain allows you to create affiliate links that are attractive and can assure your customer they are visiting a relevant site.

Yet another way of directing your customers to your affiliate offers is with an ebook. Instead of sending your eBay buyers directly to an affiliate offer, send them a link where they can download an ebook. Make sure it’s relevant to the item they purchased, of course. This is not only how to make extra money in affiliate sales, but also a way to quickly establish yourself as an expert in your niche.

Making Affiliate Sales with eBay by
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