Learn How To Make Money With Blogs — Master Back Linking Today

If you really want to learn how to make money with blogs, you must master link building quickly.  You will not get a lot of early traffic from your blog, and back linking is key to start this important flow of traffic to your site.  I will share with you some of my top tips on how to get up to speed on back linking today:

  1.  Submit to article directories —  If you want to have your blogging make money, you will have to submit some articles to directories.  This activity will get you some “starter traffic”, but more importantly it will get you some links back to your home and post pages.  This will get your pages some much needed “votes” in the search engines.  This will help your blog rank better for your keywords.
  2.  Learn to guest post — You will eventually need to move past the directories and start to “guest post”.  This is where you put up your posts on other people blogs.  Why would you do this?  You will get more back links from different websites to your blog.  This will mean more “votes” to your site and more natural traffic for you from the search engines.
  3.  Blog and forum commenting — This is another way to get some quality back links to your posts.  It can be rather labor intensive to find the right blogs and forums to post on, but can serve as a great change of pace for you now and then.  You need to make sure you provide relevant comments to the conversations going on in the forums and post, so your comments will stay up for the long term.

Back linking can be a challenging process for a new blogger.  Most people do not want to put their content on article directories and other people’s blogs.  This is an essential step to get your blog “off the ground”, so you just need to embrace the concept and make it happen.

Learn How To Make Money With Blogs -- Master Back Linking Today by
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